The end of a beginning, with a new beginning

Winter stretched through the land of Nagasaki, trees that used to hold beautiful flowers, and bushes that make the vast landscape green seemed to consist of frozen life. The grass is no longer visible through the snow that rests upon it. Everything endures the months of the winter so that they later can once again flourish and exhale their warm energy. As the landscape endures so does a man named Takumi standing outside his cottage wearing only his ragged brown shirt, working trousers and leather boots. He however endures the screaming of his wife in labour, the waiting for the inevitable, but most of all he makes him self ready for the adventure to come.

The adventure to raise his future son to become the man he himself never succeeded to become. He should make him stronger with exercises from early age, more intelligent through education, and wiser than anyone he knew by showing him why he needs the strength and intelligence throughout the years to come.

He will also make him merciful and kind while in the meantime he should have the discipline to release controlled rage upon them that deserves it, his name should be Musashi.

"Oh so many contradictions in ones child's character we must try to give them", he quietly said to himself.

While going over these thoughts for the one thousand times he suddenly realized that the screams from his wife were over. Before he could take another breath everything around him was dead still, he could no longer feel the cold creeping inside him, thoughts were as blank as the snow that covered his body, and sound seemed to no longer exist in the winters wind. He was for an instance a frozen life. But not because of the cold that has taken over the rest of the surrounding landscape, instead it was fear of what to come that has put this man in trance.

By the help of a door opening and a woman walking out on the porch Takumi gets released from his trance, exhaling and starts feeling the pain from fear. The woman who was his sister Ayumi was it that brought him to feel again. Suddenly he was eager to get rid of this fear that strangled him so and to do so he had to ask the question.

"How did it go?" - Takumi

A long wait followed by a nod though not a smile worried Takumi that something was not in place.

"It went perfect; you now have a beautiful daughter to rise." - Ayumi

He went numb and for the second time he stood there but this time not in trance from fear. But from stupidity because he had believed the gods would give him a son. All that worshipping and sacrificing for nothing, he thought. He departed without a word and started heading down the farm towards the village. By each step he took the pace increased as if he had something burning right behind him and by a faster pace he could outrun it. While moving swiftly he suddenly felt him self slip, and for a moment a flying sensation came forth before connecting to the ground with a heavy slam. Lying on the ground and feeling the ice using it's sever coolness to extinguish the fire that followed him he unexpected realized what he needs to do.

He shall raise this girl to become such a beauty in both appearance and personality that she would later in life deserve a man as Musashi would have become.

"Her name shall be Kumiko which means "eternal beautiful girl" - Takumi said to him self.

To be continued


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